About Us

Have you ever felt or been told you were a disappointment by people in your life? Simply because of who you are as a person or choices you've made? Do you struggle with expressing yourself to those around you because you prefer the unconventional path or style? Has your family ever shamed you for pursuing a Liberal Arts degree? Are you part of the LBGTQ+ community? Neurodivergent? Do you just prefer all your home decor Gothic and Halloween themed? Do you just feel misunderstood because you don't get joy from what others seem obsessed with? 

Here we want to take all that negative energy people push on you and turn it into a positive! We want to celebrate your alternative style, your sarcastic nature, that unappreciated rebel inside you. We want you to express yourself and remember to be confidently YOU! Sometimes what make us unique, needs to become our strength, our shield, the compass that guides out dreams.   We strive to bring you quality products and designs at a fair price, made right here in the USA. We pledge to donate a portion of our profits every month to charities and organizations to help others overcome the neighsayers and turn their dreams into reality. (More to come on that later.) We want to give back the support we didn't always receive along the way. We may be small now, but check back frequently, we are always releasing new items and unique works of art to help inspire you to be amazingly you. 

So give our shop a visit, you won't be disappointed.